
Ham Radio

What is your Plan?

Emergency Communication is probably one of the least talked about aspects of preparedness, but in our opinion, it plays a vital role in ensuring your survival during any type of disaster. We have some ideas that might help you be better prepared in the event of an emergency.

Do you have a Communications Plan? Having a pre-established plan will help you, your family and emergency contacts to maintain communication and obtain critical information in the time of need. 

For more information about Emergency Communications, click here for your downloadable document.

Many of you may have thought about getting a Ham Radio License but think I don’t have the time or it’s going to be too hard! Right???

Well, do your self and your family a favor and get this done on your Preparedness List! Look on line for a Local Ham Radio Club. Attend a meeting and find someone who can help you achieve this goal.

Every June in Oregon we have Sea-Pac where you can attend classes, purchase new and used equipment, talk to venders and meet other Hams. This is a really fun way to get you into getting your Ham.

Ham Radio Outlet also known as HRO is another great resource! The guys that work here are not only very knowledgeable but will get you going in the right direction.

One thing that I have realized over the years is that one radio isn’t ever enough. You need one in your go bag, home, and your car. Currently we have about 20 Ham Radios.

A few years back, David would with The Prepper Project to product our 2 DVD set on Survival Communication. We are no longer affiliated with The Prepper Project and have on 20 Sets of our DVD’s in stock. Once these are sold we won’t be getting any more but better things are on the horizon!

Let me know what you think on my Blog by leaving a comment! Follow us on Facebook, Linkedin, and on Instagram!